Shiridi Sai Baba Live Darshan


SMS Banking (Savings Account)

SMS <keyword> to 5676782 or 9717000002.

Keywords are given below:

 Balance Enquiry
BAL <account no>
 Last 3 transactions
MINI <account no>
 Cheque Status
CHQSTATUS <account no> <chq no>
 Cheque Book Request
CHQBK <account no>
 Security Balance in Demat Account
DMAT <client-id> <ISIN-number>
 Activate SMS Banking
ACT <full account no>
 De-register from SMS Banking
SUSPEND <account no>
 To know your SMS banking registration date

Kindly note following points before sending an SMS:
  • All the below-mentioned SMS requests should be sent through the registered mobile number only.
  • The keywords are NOT case-sensitive.
  • Please do NOT type the pointed or square brackets in your SMS.
  • There should be a single space between each word in the syntax.
  • For the account number, you can either type the full 15 digits or only the last three digits except for the ACT keyword where full 15 digit account number is necessary.
  • Details within pointer brackets "<",">" are mandatory values to be provided by the user.
  • Details enclosed in square brackets "[","]" are optional parameters.
  • SMS charges as specified by your operator will apply for the SMS requests sent by you.