Railways Information on SMS
Need Help Sms HELP TRN to 54959 | PNR Status Sms PNR <10-digit PNR No.> to 54959 |
Ticket Availability Sms TRNAV <Train No.> <Source> <Destination><DDMM> <Class> to 54959 | Trains Between Two Stations Sms TRNBT <Source> <Destination> to 54959 |
Train Schedule (send the first few characters of the train name) Sms TRNSH <first few characters of the train name> to 54959 Ex: TRNSH GUJARAT | Train Schedule (by Train No.) Sms TRNSH <Train No.> to 54959 |
Access via WAP (Mobile Browser) Sms TRNLINK to 54959 Or http://waptools.net4nuts.com/vf/trainservices.jsp |